TSU Agricultural Biotechnology FacilityA 25,000-square-foot, steel-framed, two-story structure with a partial basement housing more than 12 state-of-the-art labs for cutting-edge research, including DNA synthesis and chromatography analysis. The building also houses and support primarily agricultural research, and provide working space for more than 20 new Ph.D.-level scientists as well as administrative offices.
Vanderbilt E. Bronson Ingram DormThis beautiful project won the following awards: 2021 ULI Nashville Award of Excellence; 2019 awards include: ENR Southeast BEST PROJECT, ENR Southeast Higher Education Best Project, Palladio Award, the AIA Gulf States Region Honor Award, AIA Middle Tennessee Merit Award, and featured in ARCHITECT Magazine (December 2019). The new residential college replaced the existing 65-year-old Vanderbilt and Barnard Halls and is located on the same site. It provides housing for 340 sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It includes apartments for a faculty member and a residential area coordinator, a large dining space, a new kitchen and additional space for academic and programming needs.
Vanderbilt School of NursingAIA Tennessee 2021 Design Award. AIA Middle Tennessee 2020 Design Award winner (Merit). Featured in Education Snapshots and ArchDaily A new, 29,947-square-foot addition connecting to its existing buildings on the Vanderbilt campus. Construction is expected to begin in late spring 2018 and be completed in August 2018. The five-floor structure houses technologically-advanced classrooms, conference and seminar rooms, student services offices, faculty offices and a state-of-the-art simulation teaching lab that will allow complex skills development and real-time feedback on students’ clinical nursing skills. The building’s virtual classroom will incorporate leading-edge online and distance technology to facilitate distance learning, and its interactive classroom will facilitate large- and small-group interactions with electronic methods that allow for sharing of group data and findings.
Vanderbilt Residential Colleges: Carmichael, Rothschild, E. Bronson Ingram, and Nicholas S. Zeppos2024 Brick in Architecture Award - Rothschild College Four, new residential colleges: Carmichael, Rothschild, E. Bronson Ingram, and Nicholas S. Zeppos Carmichael College is a new, $110-million, 160,000-square-foot residential college. The project consists of a multi-level concrete frame with a steel roof. Rothschild College is a new, $115-million, 186,000-square-foot residential college. The project consists of a multi-level concrete frame with a steel roof. E. Bronson Ingram College is a new, 230,400-square-foot, 210-room residential college. The project consists of the design of conventional reinforced concrete slabs and concrete sheer walls. The roof is steel formed. Estimated project budget: $90 million. Nicholas S. Zeppos College is a new, 340-room, $130-million, 232,000-square-foot residential college. The project consists of a multi-level concrete frame with a steel roof. Nicholas S. Zeppos College is a gothic-style, 20-story, 340-room dormitory at the corner of West End Avenue and 25th Avenue South and is one of the tallest buildings on Vanderbilt's campus. West End Tower is a 20-story signature campus tower is also included in the project.
George Shinn Center - Lipscomb UniversityA new, two-story building of approximately 30,000 square feet. The building consists of an event space on the second floor and classrooms/art studios on the first floor. The structure is steel framed, elevated composite slabs with steel beams, and long-span roof trusses over the event space.
Tennessee State UniversityTwo, new dorm buildings (each approximately 100,000 square feet) and renovation to existing buildings as well. The new spaces provide additional dining options, laundry facilities, fitness room, study rooms, computer lab, gaming area, convenience store, a 200-person event space, and the campus housing administrative offices and housing office.